How Chiropractic in Sterling Heights Helps Stress

Reducing stress improves overall health. A lot of people know this, but have no idea how to realistically lessen the stress in their lives. People suggest activities like yoga, a healthy diet, exercise, meditation, and journaling. They also commonly suggest working less, more vacations, and reducing stressful activities and obligations in your life. While these are all good suggestions that will help, they may not be enough and some things may not be possible for you. Everyone suffering from excess stress needs as many methods for stress reduction as possible.

Chiropractic treatments in Sterling Heights can help reduce muscle tension and ease the physical symptoms of stress, which can in term alleviate some of the emotional stress.


Have you ever woken up with an aching back after a restless night of sleep? Have you woken up with a sore jaw from a long night of grinding your teeth? These are physical manifestations of stress in the body. When people are chronically stressed, this can show up as muscle tension that presents itself in a lot of different ways.

Sometimes stress can lead to depression, digestive issues, headaches, sleep troubles, and aches and pains.

Chiropractic treatments can address these symptoms.

Chiropractors use different treatment options to help patients on their wellness journeys. One of the key ways they do this is through spinal alignment adjustments. When the spinal column becomes misaligned, it can cause a host of symptoms.

When your muscles are tense, this can make spinal alignment problems worse. Muscles can also become tense because of pain from a previously existing spinal alignment. All of this makes the symptoms of stress worse.

A chiropractic treatment can get the spinal column back to its natural state. This can provide immediate relief from muscle tension. As the muscles relax, so do many of the other symptoms of chronic stress.


Chiropractic adjustments are just one of the ways chiropractors help people deal with stress. They are expert confidants in this area. Many people who come in for adjustments with stress-related symptoms find it helpful to discuss all of their health concerns and seek out advice from their chiropractor.

Your chiropractor can offer you advice on different small adjustments you can make to your daily life to help improve the symptoms of stress. For example, improving your posture may improve the stress on your back muscles. They may talk to you about ways to improve your posture while you’re at the office, exercises you can perform to improve your posture, and your sleeping habits.

Strategies like this approach your stress from an entirely different angle than most people are used to. While relaxation techniques, exercise, and a healthy diet are all great ways to reduce stress, chiropractic care approaches things from angles you are less likely to explore through other avenues.


Don’t ignore your stress and hope it goes away. It won’t get easier to deal with, it will likely become more difficult. Stress tends to build over time.

When you visit a Sterling Heights chiropractor for stress reduction, ask the questions you need answers to. Be sure to tell your chiropractor about your concerns and where you’re feeling things most. It’s common for people to want to hide their stress symptoms. This is especially true when they’ve heard the same advice multiple times and they aren’t willing to make those specific changes. Don’t worry. An experienced chiropractor isn’t there to tell you what to do. They can offer you new angles and insights to how stress is being carried in your body and what you can do to improve your health.

Chiropractic Care in Sterling Heights and Text Neck

How many hours a day do you spend with your neck hunched forward as you read on a device? Whether it’s your computer, tablet, or cell phone, this position gives Sterling Heights chiropractors nightmares. It may not seem like a major issue, especially if it doesn’t hurt while you’re doing it. However, over time, holding your body in this position can cause what many people now refer to as text neck.


Text neck affects your neck, shoulders, and upper back. In the past, text neck has also been known as nerd neck. The results are tight upper back muscles, an uncomfortable rounding of the shoulders, and an imbalance that becomes standard for how you hold your posture.

If you spend two hours a day looking down at a device in your lap, that’s 730 hours a year. Many people spend more than twice that, and for young people, the numbers are even higher. With a habit like this started at a young age, that’s a lifelong habit of spending many hours every day with the head hunched forward.

This position is hardly new to the human body, but it’s still not a natural one for it to stay in for so much of the day.

One of the first negative side effects of holding this position is usually neck pain or headaches. Stretching the spine at this angle for prolonged periods can also cause herniated discs, pinched nerves, and spinal misalignment.

Holding this poor posture can become a habit. You’ll notice people walking around with their heads hunched forward all day long, seeming to have a rounding to their upper backs. This is from holding that posture so often.

The earlier text neck is caught, the better. It’s easier to work on holding a healthier posture and avoiding the long term effects of text neck the earlier you make positive changes.


Chiropractors can help you keep a healthy spine and fight text neck. They do this in a few ways.

Your Sterling Heights chiropractor has experience with seeing all stages of this curvature of the spine. After an exam, they can offer you detailed tips personalized to your life that you can use to make sure your spine stays healthy, your head supported, and your neck straight. They’ll talk to you about ways to use your devices while holding a steady posture and exercises you can do for proper spinal health.

During your appointment, they will also look at any problems that have begun due to text neck. If you were experiencing pain, it may be from a misalignment of the vertebrae in your neck. This can lead to compression on the nerves, which can travel to create pain throughout the body. Your chiropractor can perform gentle adjustments to correct your alignment to its natural position.

While this kind of misalignment is nothing new, it is definitely a growing problem in the modern world. That doesn’t mean you have to give up your devices. It does mean you should stay mindful of your spinal health, so you can stay healthy and maintain good posture. Your chiropractor will be there to help guide you along the way and offer treatments to help you along the way.

Chiropractor in Sterling Heights For Tinnitus

Do you hear a ringing in your ears that no one else can hear? This ringing is usually high-pitched, distracting, sometimes painful, and can interfere with daily life. It may be something you hear in both ears or just one, and the consistency can vary. Tinnitus is a more difficult symptom to live with than many people realize. While there is not a single cause for tinnitus, there are many possible causes, some of which can be helped with treatments from a Sterling Heights chiropractor.

Let’s take a deeper look at what causes tinnitus and what can be done for people suffering from it.


When you first visit your doctor about the sound only you can hear, they’ll want to look into any other symptoms you have right away. Sometimes, tinnitus can be a symptom alerting you to a serious situation like a tumor, aneurysm, or other condition they’ll need to look into right away.

Once these have been ruled out, many doctors will stop having answers for you. If they’ve determined you’re also suffering from hearing loss, they will prescribe a hearing aid to help.

So what are some of the possible causes of tinnitus?

Sometimes, this can be a problem with the inner ears. In this case, it’s often Meniere’s disease, which can also be associated with vertigo, loss of balance, and hearing loss.

Blood pressure issues can also cause tinnitus when there are issues with blood vessels in the skull.

Some patients have found that they were deficient in vitamin B-12 and correcting this deficiency improved their symptoms. Vitamin B-12 can be found in some grains, beef, chicken, and salmon. Getting tested for a vitamin deficiency may be useful in finding relief from tinnitus.

Tinnitus is sometimes a symptom associated with an injury to the upper cervical spine, the vestibulocochlear nerve, or a subluxation of the upper neck. In these cases, a chiropractor may be able to help with relief.


Chiropractors are experts in spinal alignment. The spine is made up of thirty-three vertebrae with small discs in between. This is a lot of moving parts. When a vertebrae or disc slips out of alignment, they will often impinge on nerves and cause pain or other problems, like tinnitus.

A Sterling Heights chiropractor can perform gentle adjustments to help the body get back to its natural, healthy positioning.

When you visit a chiropractor for tinnitus relief, they will first talk to you about what you’ve tried before and what your symptoms have been like. They will then perform an exam to work to find the cause of your symptoms.

Many patients have found that during their first appointment and adjustment, they found some relief from the ringing. Other patients have found it took them several appointments before they experienced results from their tinnitus. This can vary from person to person, depending on the cause and damage.

Depending on what is discovered during the exam and treatments, your chiropractor may work with you to create a long term treatment plan to keep your tinnitus under control.

How chiropractors protect your spine in sterling heights

Working from home may sound like the perfect opportunity to get cozy on the couch while you settle into your day. This picture makes chiropractors everywhere cringe. Remote work has many advantages, but for the health of your spine, it’s important to be mindful about how you’re spending your day.

When alone at home, the temptation to slouch and get comfortable is strong. Unfortunately, this is terrible for your long term posture and spinal health. Your back muscles may weaken over time. Your spine may come out of alignment more easily.

While your Sterling Heights Chiropractors will always be there for you to treat these problems and improve your spinal health, there are many practices you can be mindful of when working from home to keep yourself in good health.


It’s not natural to hold your body in one position for too long. Instead of spending your whole day at your desk, set a timer for every hour. At this time, take at least five minutes to stretch or walk around. If you can, take ten to fifteen minutes a few times a day for a little more movement.

This is also a great way to clear your mind. Movement will help you stay more focused and sharper at work, while also giving your body a chance to naturally adjust.


You want to sit at a desk. This is a healthy practice for a number of reasons. It’s a good way to keep your work and home life separate while working remote. It’s also a smart ergonomic decision for your body.

The first consideration is your office chair. Does it support your back? When you sit in it, do your muscles feel supported, or do you feel the need to shift in your chair to get settled?

Your computer screen should be at eye level. If you’re working on a laptop, consider getting a separate keyboard you can place on the desk and raise your laptop on a stand or a stack of books.

It is best for your wrists if the keyboard is either flat or at a reverse angle. While many keyboards are raised at the top with the bottom touching the desk, this puts your wrists up at an angle. A reverse angle has the bottom of the keyboard raised and the top touching the desk, which is a better angle for your wrists.

If you need supplies to set up a more ergonomic desk space, talk to your employer or HR about covering the costs.


Strong core muscles will support a healthy posture. Regular exercise will keep your body moving and healthy. While exercise is always good for you, checking in on your regular workout routine is a good tip for when you start working remote.


Does your back hurt? Don’t let that go on untreated. The sooner you visit your Sterling Heights chiropractor, the sooner you can find the source of the problem and take care of your health.

It’s natural when you go through any changes in your daily routine for pains to develop in your back, neck, or joints. This may be because of changes in your body or the repetitive motions you’re making during your daily routine. Your chiropractor will be able to help you find the source of the problem and create a plan for treatment that will keep you from further injury.

6 Signs of Whiplash in Sterling Heights

Whiplash is most commonly associated with rear-end car accidents, but it can happen from any kind of trauma to the body. Sports accidents and physical abuse are often causes of whiplash. The name comes from the experience of the body, where the neck is jarred forward and then backward at a rapid pace, similar to the cracking of a whip. If you’ve gone through an experience where whiplash might have occurred, it’s always best to seek our Sterling Heights chiropractic care right away to prevent future problems.


People don’t always know when they have whiplash. It’s common for the symptoms not to show up for days after the event. Even then, the symptoms may seem like something you should tough out. We often wake up with a stiff neck and simply go about our days.

In the weeks following a whiplash incident, it’s essential to treat the problem. This will help with the immediate symptoms, and also prevent the issue from becoming a long term problem. While most people with whiplash will follow a treatment plan to help the injury, those who don’t sometimes develop life problems with neck pain or other complications.




Whiplash can cause the muscles in your neck and shoulders to become so stiff that you can’t move your head from side to side. Because this seems like a symptom that could happen from sleeping at an odd angle, it might be something you try to suffer through. Watch out for this sign of whiplash, since it can get worse the longer it goes on.


These can all be signs of a concussion as well, so they’re something you should take very seriously.


The pins and needles feeling could also appear as a burning. It most likely shows up in your arms. This can mean a pinched nerve or other issue from spinal misalignment in the neck.


Are you hearing sounds that only you hear? The ringing can vary from person to person, but is not pleasant. If you have experienced whiplash, tinnitus is a sign something isn’t right.


Is it hard to chew or swallow? This could mean an injury to the esophagus and larynx. You’ll want to have this checked by a doctor right away.


It may seem normal to be extra tired after an accident. And it is! But it can also be a sign of whiplash. This is why so many experts recommend getting checked out by a professional after any major trauma to the body. It’s hard to notice what’s a symptom of whiplash and what may be a benign reaction to a traumatic event.


When you visit a Sterling Heights chiropractic clinic after a physical trauma, they’ll want to ask you for as many details as you can remember of what happened with your body during the event. They’ll then perform a thorough exam to see how you’re doing.

If you’re experiencing pain, a chiropractor can treat you with spinal manipulation that is natural and pain free to help you achieve relief right away. If you have whiplash or other injuries from the event, they’ll work with you to create a treatment plan so you can stay free of pain and in good health while you recover.

Weight lifting tips for chiropractic in sterling heights

Weight lifting is an excellent practice for your chiropractic health in Sterling Heights. Strong muscles support your spine and joints to keep them in place. However, improper weight lifting practices cause injury that can lead to long term problems. Proper care should be taken to make sure you’re watching out for your overall health today and in the long term.

Here are some tips for taking care of your spine and joints while building muscle.


Most people start off a fitness routine wanting to reach their goals as soon as possible. This enthusiasm is understandable and respectable. However, it can get in the way of your best interests in the long term.

Your lifting routine is going to become a long term part of your life. Make sure you are setting reasonable goals and building muscle slowly over time. As your muscles build, they will prevent injury as you lift heavier weights. Learn your limits and don’t push yourself too far too fast.


Stretching at the beginning and end of your lifting sessions are the best way to keep your muscles loose and prevent injury. It may feel like a waste of your time, but don’t skip this essential practice for your health.


It may seem like the best thing to do is to start lifting weights and getting on a better health practice right away without any barriers, but it’s too easy to hurt yourself while lifting heavy weights when done improperly.

Visit a consultant at the gym for tips on healthy posture while lifting weights.

If you’re lifting at home, you can still consult an expert online. Find a weight lifting trainer you trust. They will offer you guidance on techniques for weight lifting, and then have you submit videos of you lifting the weights. This way, you can check that your form is correct and gain valuable input. It will not only help you build muscle, but prevent injury as well.


This is classic advice for a reason. If you lift with your back, you’re likely to strain muscles and possibly hurt your spinal alignment. It’s easy to end up with a compressed nerve and a lot of pain. Never twist your body as you’re lifting weights. Be mindful of keeping a straight spine before you lift.


Don’t forget about your core when you’re building muscle! By keeping a strong core, you’ll have an easier time on arm and leg day. A strong core leads to a better posture, which means an easier time keeping your spine straight and a better overall practice for weight lifting.


Chiropractic treatments can help improve your performance, treat injuries, and prevent them.

The goal of your fitness routine is to maintain your current level of fitness and to change your health. As your body changes, it’s good practice to seek out the help of a chiropractor who can keep your spine in alignment and watch out for your joint health. With a chiropractor watching out for you, you’re more likely to become aware if something you’re doing during your workout is causing you injury.

By keeping your body in proper alignment through chiropractic treatments, you can prevent injuries from becoming worse and building over time.

Talk to your Sterling Heights chiropractor about your lifting routine and a g

Sterling Heights Chiropractor For Range of Motion

Range of motion is something most people take for granted until it’s gone. If you’ve injured your shoulder and can’t rotate it fully, this is something you will think about all day, every day. It affects simple and complicated tasks. When your range of motion becomes limited, what can you do. When you are considering movement in the body, you are considering the health of your joints and spine. This is the primary focus for a Sterling Heights chiropractor, who treat joint and spinal health issues at the office of Dr. Ryan Boechler to improve overall wellness and range of motion.


Range of motion is sometimes abbreviated to ROM. It’s your ability to freely move your body, which is something often associated with the range of movement around a joint or the joint’s flexibility. When you bend your body to the side or turn your wrist in a circle, you are exploring your range of motion. When you can’t do this without experiencing pain or discomfort, your range has become limited.

Your ROM is important to your daily activities like driving a vehicle, loading a dishwasher, or walking. Depending on the issue, it can make any activity difficult.

It’s also important to have a healthy ROM so you can prevent further injury. If your range of motion is already limited and you push your body to go past the pain, you can sustain further injury to the joint or spine. The pain is a sign that something needs treatment. Without proper care, it’s easy for injuries like tears and sprains to happen, or further inflammation that result in even more limited range of motion. This creates a cycle of injury that causes more pain, limited movement, and will take longer to heal.


There are many causes of limited range of motion issues.

Sometimes, this may be the result of an injury or trauma to the body. After a car accident, it’s common for people to experience whiplash. This can limit your ability to turn your head from side to side, rotate your shoulder, or other everyday movements.

Many medical problems can cause limited range of motion. When your body is recovering from a surgery where you’ve been spending a lot of time stiff and not moving, it can be hard to get going again.

Chronic inflammation in the joints can make it difficult to move. So can conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome.

People who work at their desk all day may come to experience a limited range of motion. This may not seem like an injury, as it doesn’t happen all of a sudden, but from repetitive motions that took their toll on an aching joint.

Another common cause of loss of range of motion is spinal misalignment. Whether from repetitive movement, an accident, or just living your day to day life, spinal misalignment can make it difficult to turn your body. When your back hurts, any simple movement can feel painful.


With natural and non-invasive treatments, chiropractors can help you realign your spine or get your joints feeling better. These adjustments are gentle and pain free. By realigning your body to its natural alignment, blood flow can be resorted, compressed nerves can be freed of pain, and the discs in your spine can be put back into alignment.

During your appointment, your chiropractor will likely perform spinal adjustments, and possibly perform manipulations to other parts of your body to get your range of motion back. Depending on the problem, they may discuss future appointments with you as part of a long term treatment plan to keep your range of motion strong.

They will also likely discuss things you can do at home to help keep you in your best health. Your Sterling Heights chiropractor Dr. Ryan Boechler will know stretches you can do and exercises to strengthen specific muscles that will keep the affected areas in good health.

Before back pain visit a sterling heights chiropractor

Why does your back hurt? It’s common to have no idea why. It’s also common for the pain to be too bad to physically shrug in response to that question. And yet, even with back pain, it is common to not seek out the help of a professional like a Sterling Heights chiropractor but to instead suffer through it.


“Toughing it out” is a suggestion for athletes who are building stronger muscles. In order to gain muscle mass, you want to push past the point of resistance. You reach the point where you start to feel tired and like you can’t do any more push-ups, and then do a few more. By powering through healthy exercise, your body grows stronger. This is your body leaving its comfort zone and changing to become healthier.

That’s a healthy version of toughing it out performed by athletes and anyone wanting to build up their physical health through careful exercise practices.

This idea is then associated with one of strength. We’re building muscles, we’re toughing it out, we are being strong and capable people. When we think of riding out the pain as a sign of being a strong willed person, we don’t consider whether that’s truly what’s best for our health.


Unfortunately, this idea is often applied to scenarios where there is nothing to gain from “toughing it out”.

It’s common to believe that by pushing ahead, we will be able to continue on with our activities and the pain will go away on its own. Even in the cases where this is true, that doesn’t always mean the cause of the pain was resolved. This may mean it comes back again and becomes a chronic issue, or that other troubles will arise.

Without knowing the cause of your back pain, or finding a treatment for it, you risk the condition becoming worse.

When there are gentle and easy treatment options that can improve your back pain and the health of your back, there is no reason to avoid seeking treatment.


At your first appointment, your chiropractor will perform an exam. They’ll talk to you about your health history and what you’ve been feeling and experiencing with your back. What brought you into the chiropractic clinic for your first appointment? What has your life been like with your back before this pain started? When did the back pain begin? What types of daily activities do you perform that put stress on your back? This conversation will give them insight to what they find during your exam so they can create a complete picture of your back health.

This is a great opportunity for you to ask the chiropractor questions about anything you’ve been experiencing.

Your chiropractor will then make a few gentle, natural adjustments to your spinal alignment based on your discussion and their findings during the exam. This will help you find relief from your back pain during this appointment.

For the long term, they can discuss options with you for a treatment plan to keep your back in its best health. Depending on the source of your back pain, they can discuss future appointments for spinal alignment and other practices you might be able to employ to keep yourself feeling your best day to day.

There’s no need to tough out back pain and let it become worse or grow into a chronic problem. You never know when a vertebrae might be misaligned or a disc might have slipped out or another serious problem with your back that could be causing damage and long term problems for you. When your back hurts, seek out the help of a chiropractor who can get your spinal health back on track.

Improve posture in sterling heights while you sleep

An experienced Sterling Heights chiropractor knows that your spinal health is affected by more than your activities during the day time. A great deal of our lives is consumed by sleep. How much a person sleeps, and how they do it, has a large impact on overall health.

If you don’t sleep enough, you may be groggy for a morning meeting. If you sleep at a wrong angle, you may wake up with a sore neck.

While most people will acknowledge that sleeping strangely can mean waking up with a new ache, few of us think about how we sleep every night has a long term effect on spinal health and how we generally feel. In fact, proper sleeping habits can have a positive impact on our spinal health and our posture.


Going to sleep with tense muscles can mean for a rough night of sleep and bad conditions for your spine and joints. If you’ve been sitting in a chair all day, it can be useful to go for a short walk, do some yoga, or stretch out your body as the first step toward winding down for bed. Next, consider taking a bath. Soaking in Epsom salts or essential oils can help you relax.


Ideally, you want to have one pillow under your head at night. This pillow should support your neck and head. When you get comfortable for sleep, you should feel like your muscles are able to relax and be supported. You don’t want to be shifting your head or turning at a different angle to get comfortable. It’s not good for your neck to stay in that position all night long.

The right pillow will be different for everyone, so you might need to experiment to find what’s right for you.


You may wonder what this has to do with your chiropractic health. When you sleep in a room that’s too warm, you’re likely to toss and turn all night. This makes it more difficult to keep the right posture while you sleep. Sleep in a cool and comfortable room to help you stay relaxed and in a healthy position.


Sleeping on your back is the healthiest position for your spinal alignment. This isn’t the easiest habit for everyone. You can start by practicing going to sleep this way every night. If you feel uncomfortable, try placent pillow under your knees or a rolled up towel under your lower back to see if this helps.


Stomach sleepers hate hearing this. It’s understandable. If it feels like your most comfortable sleeping position, changing things up seems like a path to getting less sleep for a while, and no one wants that. However, there is no way to sleep on your stomach that is healthy for your spinal alignment. Over the long term, this causes alignment problems that can be difficult to overcome. For your long term back health, practice sleeping on your back as much as possible. This may take time, but it’s worth working on.


For your longterm chiropractic health, it’s still best to sleep on your back and is a great idea to practice doing that. However, if you’re going to sleep on your side, work on doing this in as healthy a way as possible. That means keeping your spine straight. Try to sleep with your hands in front of you instead of tucked under your pillow. Put a pillow between your knees to keep your body straight.


Are you waking up feeling rested? Do you have aches and pains? Are you going through the day hunched over and feeling like it’s too much work to sit up straighter?

The above sleeping practices can help you get a better night’s rest and improve your posture so you hold yourself better during the day. They’re not the only things you can do to see improvement, though.

Getting a healthy amount of exercise can help you get to sleep at night. Doing some targeted exercises to strengthen your core muscles can improve your posture as it will be easier for you to sit up straight.

Visiting your Sterling Heights chiropractor at the office of Dr. Ryan Boechler regularly can also help you discover what your individual problem areas are. Your chiropractor can work to find the source of your health issues and develop a long term plan for better sleep and health. With gentle spinal adjustments, many find that they sleep better and develop better posture.

Living With Joint Inflammation in Sterling Heights

Joint inflammation in Sterling Heights can feel overwhelming. To better manage your health and live your life well, you need a supportive team on your side and a list of tools you can use to stay in your best shape. Sterling Heights Chiropractors treat people with joint pain to help them ease the aches of inflammation. Joint health is complicated and unique to each person, but with experienced experts like Dr. Ryan Boechler on your side, it can become more manageable.


Living life with chronic joint pain introduces new challenges. While it’s stressful trying to adapt, with some patience and a well thought out plan, the inflammation can become more manageable in your day to day life.


One of the first things your doctor will talk to you about will be your diet. Certain foods can cause more inflammation, while others can help reduce joint inflammation.

Everyone’s experience will vary somewhat, so you’ll want to try adding and subtracting certain foods one at a time, track your results, and see what does best for you.

As general rules, you’ll want to avoid eating a lot of processed sugars, MSG, and trans fats. Some patients have found removing gluten from their diet to be helpful. Limiting your alcohol can also be useful. It’s worth noting that some alcohols are worse than others, and some patients have found that drinking a moderate amount of red wine is actually helpful with their joint inflammation, so track your own results to find what works best for your health.

You’ll also want to try adding foods to your diet to improve your joint health. Fatty fish high in omega-3s are one of the most popular choices for joint inflammation. Try adding salmon, mackerel, trout, or sardines to your diet a few times a week. Other great foods for inflammation include spinach, berries, garlic, ginger, broccoli, kale, olive oil, and a moderate amount of dark chocolate.


When you strengthen the muscles around your joints, your joints tend to sit better in the body. They’re more supported. This can lead to better joint health and less pain. Exercising may not feel like the thing to do when your joints are inflamed, which is understandable, but finding some low-impact exercise plans that work for you long term can lead to great results.

A lot of patients with joint inflammation turn to exercises like swimming and yoga for joint health. You can also talk to your chiropractor about movement therapies and your specific joint pains to create an exercise regime that works for your body. The important thing is to develop a routine that will work for you over time.


Chiropractors are experts on spinal and joint health. They help patients with inflammation and alignment.

When you first visit a chiropractor for joint health, you’ll have a consultation and exam where you can tell them exactly what your history with joint inflammation has been so far. Tell them what you’ve tried and what your biggest obstacles are day to day. After performing an exam and listening to your experiences, they’ll work with you to create a personalized treatment plan moving forward.

Your Sterling Heights chiropractor may have additional practices for you to work into your daily routine, like specific exercises for strengthening muscles that will help you the most and ice therapies.

Dr. Ryan Boechler can also create a plan for gentle treatments to keep your bones in alignment and minimize inflammation so you can continue living your life day to day with as little interruption as possible.